Friday, June 16, 2006

Bercakap Dengan PHP

2 3 hari kebelakangan ni aku dah mula sibuk buat program balik. Program enhancement untuk sistem Premier Cup Series, sukan equestrian yang bakal berlangsung dari 17hb Ogos hingga 20 Ogos 2006 di Putrajaya Equestrian Park, Precinct 5. Kali ni aku guna EasyPHP window based je, termasukla Apache. So kadang-kadang tangan aku ni terlatah jugala nak menaip "Esc" button diikuti ":' dan "w", sedangkan aku sepatutnya menekan "Ctrl-S" je untuk Save file haha.. adakah itu tandanya aku sudah begitu lama berkecimpung dalam dunia Unix? Ohhh.. tidakkkkkk...!!

Dalam biul-biul ni, aku seperti terasa nak baca lawak jenaka si pengaturcara ahakz.. adalah jugak beberapa ni aku jumpa. Sama-samalah kita reformat otak kita ye..

Q: Why do programmers always get Christmas and Halloween mixed up?
A: Because DEC 25 = OCT 31
haha lawak gak ni aku siap kira memang betul pulak..

Q: How do you keep a programmer in the shower all day?
A: Give him a bottle of shampoo which says "lather, rinse, repeat."
Oi.. kitorang tidakla sebendul itu..

The Programmers' Cheer
Shift to the left, shift to the right!

Pop up, push down, byte, byte, byte!
This is cool...

If you can touch it and you can see it, it's REAL.
If you can touch it but you can't see it, it's TRANSPARENT.
If you can't touch it but you can see it, it's VIRTUAL.
If you can't touch it and you can't see it, it's GONE.
hhehehe.. abih nak panggil apa lagi?

Once a programmer drowned in the sea. Many Marines where at that time on the beach, but the programmer was shouting "F1 F1" and nobody understood it.
Nerd habis ni.. :P

The programmer to his son: "Here, I brought you a new basketball."
"Thank you, daddy, but where is the user's guide?"
Meh.. aku baling bola tu kat kepala kau nak?

Ni aku ambil kat sini

2 comments on "Bercakap Dengan PHP"

Fara on Thu Jun 29, 01:57:00 PM said...

Rin!!! Ingat aku ker lagi??? Fara ni, MCC dulu .. lerr.. dh beso anak ko ek? hehehe ... best betul!

Kurma on Thu Jun 29, 03:11:00 PM said...

aku dok pikir Fara mana satu ni tu yg dok jelajah blog ko haaaa.. farahdiba rupenye..
wah glemer ko ari2 nama ko disebut dlm media elektronik dan media cetak! (nama komersial hihihiihihi)..

manaleh lupe sama2 terkelendat di MCC hikhik..


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