Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I had my lunch with my colleagues at Railway today instead of having it in the office. We call it Railway because it was a railway, I don't know when but maybe more than 30 years ago. Now there's no more train but a row of stalls that sell delicious foods and drinks.

One of my friends asked about the other colleague who always had his lunch outside. The other friend said that maybe he was having his lunch with his wife. Then he said that he had advised the guy to take a very good care of his wife as she is pregnant right now.

Upon hearing that, I felt a little bit annoyed. It's not that I was being jealous but I thought why in the world a wife should make trouble just to get attention from her husband? Yes, we need attention especially in our first trimester of pregnancy, but that's not an excuse to trouble our husband, that he needs to having lunch with us all the time.

I said to my friends.. it's all the tactics actually, and most women are being opportunist when they are pregnant. I told them, yes we need our husbands to be caring, but as a mother or mom-to-be we also can't be emotional all the time. It can affect the baby.

There are lots of other examples too, like asking our husbands to pick us up from the office everyday, whereas we can go home ourselves. It's ok if they love to do it, but don't you think if we can make it ourselves there's much relief on their side?

Women always make noise and firmly say that we are independent and strong. Please.. don't just say it.. make it really happen.

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